28 October 2022

4AD: Dragon Cult

Dragonslayer by Nolan Lu


First, here is a bigger table of dragons for Four Against Darkness:

d6True Dragons
1Two-headed swamp dragon. Their never-ending debate only lulls when they devour another hapless victim.
Level 6 dragon, 5 Life, 2 attacks, 3 treasure rolls at +1.
On each of its turns, roll a d6. On ⚀, the dragon breathes fire from its right head; all characters must make a level 6 breath Save or take d3 damage. On ⚅, the dragon breathes poison from its left head; all characters must make a level 5 poison Save or get Poisoned.
Reaction: 1 sleeping, 2-3 bribe, 4-5 fight, 6 quest.
2Flightless rotting dragon. Wreathed in offerings and grave goods meant to sooth its spirit. It didn't work.
Level 6 dragon, 6 Life, treasure is sacrificial gifts worth 2d6 * 100 gp.
Any character wounded by the dragon must make a level 4 poison Save or lose 1 additional Life due to an infected wound, and another level 4 poison Save or be Paralysed.
Reaction: Always fight to death.
3Four-winged storm dragon. Red lightning crackles across its scaly skin. Its every move reverberates with sharp winds.
Level 6 dragon, 5 Life, 3 treasure rolls at +1.
On each of its turns, roll a d6. On ⚀, the dragon claps its wings, causing a massive wind storm; all characters must make a level 6 hazard Save or take 1 damage. On ⚅, the dragon throws a lightning bolt at a random companion; the characters must make a level 6 magic Save or take 2 damage. Characters in heavy armour don't roll against either of these special attacks and take the damage automatically.
Reaction: 1 sleeping, 2-5 bribe, 6 fight.
4Crystal guardian dragon. A towering, winged figure, encased in glistening armour. It wields a gigantic sword of raw crystal.
Level 7 dragon, 6 Life, 2 attacks, 2 treasure rolls at +2.
Each attack of the dragon deals 2 damage. Once reduced to half Life, the dragon breathes a cloud of dust. The whole party must make a level 4 breath Save or be turned to crystal.
Reaction: 1-4 threaten, 5 puzzle, 6 fight to death.
5Divine serpent dragon. It has no wings, yet it coils through the air with an ease born of powerful magic.
Level 7 dragon, 7 Life, 4 treasure rolls.
On each of its turns, roll a d6 to see which spell the dragon casts:
  1. Word of Law: All characters must make a level 7 breath Save or take 1 holy damage.
  2. Heretic's Woe: A random character must make a level 5 magic Save or lose d3 Life.
  3. Heretic's Penance: A random character must make a level 5 magic Save or become Cursed.
  4. Cage of the Faithless: A random character must make a level 5 magic Save or fall asleep until the end of the encounter.
  5. Zeal of the Faithful: The dragon summons d6 cultists (level 4 minions).
  6. Immortal Glory: The dragon regains 1 LP. If at full Life, the dragon attacks normally instead.
Reaction: 1 offer food and rest, 2 magical challenge, 3 quest, 4-5 sleeping, 6 bribe.
6Starborn void dragon. The stars dance. The stars scream. The stars despise. This world is not worth even an afterthought.
Level 8 dragon, 8 Life, 2 attacks, 2 treasure rolls and an Epic Reward.
Before the fight begins, roll d6 to determine the special powers of the dragon:
  1. World Eater: The first time it is reduced to half Life, the dragon breathes in. The whole party must make a level 5 breath Save or lose 1 level. The dragon regains LP equal to the number of levels lost by the party.
  2. Blacklight: At the start of the encounter, the dragon breathes a beam of unseen light. The whole party must make a level 5 breath Save or be permanently blinded.
  3. Interstellar: Once reduced to half Life, the dragon breathes a cloud of interstellar gas. The whole party must make a level 3 breath Save or be frozen solid (and die).
  4. Starfall: Once reduced to half Life, the dragon flies high above and then plummets as a blazing meteorite. The whole party must make a level 4 hazard Save or take 3 damage.
  5. Starscream: At the start of the encounter, and then again when reduced to half Life, the dragon screams. The whole party must make a level 6 fear Save or take 1 point of Madness.
  6. Vacuum: Every round, the whole party must make a level 4 breath Save or take 1 damage from asphyxiation.
Reaction: 1-5 sleeping, 6 fight to death.

When the party kills a true dragon, they may cut out its heart and take it back to Town as an additional treasure. There, a character may sacrifice the heart on the altar of the Dragon Cult to receive a random draconic gift. A character may only have a number of draconic gifts equal to their Level and should they roll one they already possess, no gift is gained from that heart.

d6Draconic Gifts
1Dragon Breath: Choose an element. Once per adventure, breathe to deal d3 damage, no roll required.
2Dragon Roar: Once per adventure, roar with such ferocity that your foes immediately roll Morale.
3Dragon Armaments: Your sharp claws and spiked tail count as martial weapons or a polearm, respectively (both grant +0 Attack), which cannot be disarmed, damaged or otherwise degraded. You may not wield anything to use them, though.
4Dragon Eyes: You cannot be blinded (from darkness, curse, or such) and ignore invisibility.
5Dragon Hide: Immunity to fire.
6Dragon Wings: While in a room or outdoors, you are immune to traps and get +1 Defence, as you can fly out of the way.

A character who gains all draconic gifts transcends their humanity, becoming an ageless dragonkin.

A dragon heart from Elden Ring.

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