10 February 2025

Class: Energy Thrower

Wizardry is powerful and versatile, but fickle. Energy throwing is simple but reliable.

Some people have just enough talent to use magic, but not enough patience to become wizards nor enough power to become sorcerers. These people might become energy throwers instead. They can do exactly one thing, but they can do it all day. Energy throwers are prized by the movers and shakers as good soldiers, but disdained by real magic users as... well, not real magic users.
A: Throw Energy (d6)
B: Throw Energy (d8)
C: Throw Energy (d10)
D: Throw Energy (d12), Ultimate Technique

Throw Energy
At will, conjure a blast of magical energy that deals damage dependant on [template] and has a range of 60 feet.

Most energy throwers content themselves with flinging nondescript globs of colourful energy, but there are some who train themselves in shaping these blasts into lightning, runic orbs, or even temporary weapons. The effect remains the same, though.

Ultimate Technique
Even energy throwers eventually find the motivation to learn a special technique. Roll or choose one of the following techniques:
  1. Energy armour: The same kind of energy throwers who would shape their blasts into weapons might wish to learn how to make armour out of the energy, too. This technique allows one to summon any type of armour (light, medium, heavy) with all properties of a mundane armour, except made of coruscating energy.
  2. Energy bubble: As a reaction once per round, reduce incoming damage by your energy throwing die.
  3. Energy breath: Disperse your blast through your mouth as a cone-shaped emanation with range of 30 feet.
  4. Eye beam: This technique allows you to concentrate the blast through your eyes, dealing d20 damage but blinding you for [digit sum of damage] rounds after each use.
  5. Elemental blast: Choose one element; you can now change your blast into that element.
  6. Twin blasts: Create one blast in each hand, throwing them both as a single action. They each deal only d6 damage, though.
  7. Chained blast: On 10+ damage, the blast jumps to another nearby creature. It can jump a second time, too.
  8. Kamehameha: Technique of the secretive monkey monks. Takes two full rounds to charge up (and can be interrupted), then releases as a brilliant beam that deals 2d12 damage to everything in a 100 ft line. Any wall weaker than a castle bulwark is melted through, too.

The other techniques may be possible to learn via mentors and quests.

1 comment:

  1. Frankly, this class is basically anti-OSR. It is the extreme of the "when all you have is a hammer" principle. It has one use and one use only, no utility, nothing special or really "interesting" about it. It is me making a point.
