Here's a table to quickly make up competent characters. Just choose or roll for three traits and let your imagination do the rest.
d100 | Adjective | Career | Skill |
1 | Agile | Actor | Acrobacy |
2 | Alert | Alchemist | Anatomy |
3 | Athletic | Animal Trainer | Animal Handling |
4 | Beautiful | Apothecary | Appraisal |
5 | Bloodthirsty | Archivist | Archeology |
6 | Brave | Arsonist | Archery |
7 | Brawny | Artist | Architecture |
8 | Calm | Assassin | Artillery |
9 | Careful | Bandit | Astrology |
10 | Charming | Barbarian | Astronomy |
11 | Clever | Barber-Surgeon | Axe Murder |
12 | Confident | Bard | Bluffing |
13 | Cunning | Beggar | Blunt Weapons |
14 | Deceitful | Black Marketeer | Botany |
15 | Defiant | Blacksmith | Brawling |
16 | Deft | Burglar | Brewing |
17 | Destructive | Butcher | Bushcraft |
18 | Determined | Cannibal | Calligraphy |
19 | Dextrous | Chirurgeon | Camouflage |
20 | Disciplined | Clerk | Carousing |
21 | Educated | Clockmaker | Carpentry |
22 | Erudite | Coachman | Cartography |
23 | Fast | Con Artist | Chariot Driving |
24 | Fearless | Contortionist | Climbing |
25 | Fierce | Cook | Close Quarters Combat |
26 | Flexible | Cultist | Cooking |
27 | Focused | Cutpurse | Dancing |
28 | Forceful | Deserter | Deciphering |
29 | Friendly | Diplomat | Delving |
30 | Furtive | Drug Dealer | Disguise |
31 | Gourmet | Drunkard | Deep Diving |
32 | Graceful | Exorcist | Dodging |
33 | Hardy | Faith Healer | Duelling |
34 | Healthy | Falconer | Dungeoneering |
35 | Helpful | False Prophet | Escaping |
36 | Heroic | Firefighter | Etiquette |
37 | Hulking | Forester | Evasion |
38 | Inconscpicous | Fortune Teller | Exotic Weapons |
39 | Indomitable | Gambler | Farming |
40 | Industrious | Gladiator | Fencing |
41 | Ingenious | Goldsmith | Fishing |
42 | Iron-Willed | Graverobber | Fisticuffs |
43 | Likable | Guard | Fletching |
44 | Limber | Haruspex | Foraging |
45 | Lithe | Herald | Forgery |
46 | Lucky | Herbalist | Gambling |
47 | Malicious | Hermit | Grappling |
48 | Manipulative | Hunter | Haggling |
49 | Mighty | Inquisitor | Hiding |
50 | Muscular | Inventor | History |
51 | Mysterious | Jailor | Husbandry |
52 | Nimble | Jester | Impersonation |
53 | Paranoid | Lawyer | Interrogation |
54 | Plucky | Librarian | Intimidation |
55 | Poised | Locksmith | Juggling |
56 | Pure | Lumberjack | Jumping |
57 | Quick | Marksman | Jury-Rigging |
58 | Quiet | Martial Artist | Kickboxing |
59 | Resilient | Mercenary | Knife Fighting |
60 | Resolute | Merchant | Larceny |
61 | Robust | Messanger | Leadership |
62 | Rugged | Miner | Linguistics |
63 | Sagacious | Monk/Nun | Long-Distance Running |
64 | Savage | Perfumer | Lying |
65 | Savvy | Philosopher | Medicine |
66 | Scary | Pirate | Mountaineering |
67 | Shifty | Plague Doctor | Music |
68 | Shrewd | Poacher | Navigation |
69 | Sinewy | Poisoner | Occultism |
70 | Slippery | Politician | Oration |
71 | Sly | Porter | Performance |
72 | Sneaky | Priest/ess | Pickpocketing |
73 | Sociable | Prisoner | Pole Weapons |
74 | Spiteful | Prostitute | Ranged Weapons |
75 | Spry | Pugilist | Riding |
76 | Spunky | Rat Catcher | Runecraft |
77 | Stalwart | Sailor | Sabotage |
78 | Statuesque | Scholar | Sailing |
79 | Steadfast | Scribe | Scouting |
80 | Stealthy | Shepherd | Searching |
81 | Stout | Slaver | Seduction |
82 | Streetwise | Smuggler | Shadowing |
83 | Strong | Soldier | Siege Weapons |
84 | Strong-Minded | Spy | Singing |
85 | Stubborn | Squire | Slaying |
86 | Sultry | Stalker | Sleight of Hand |
87 | Swift | Steward | Speleology |
88 | Tall | Storyteller | Sprinting |
89 | Tenatious | Street Magician | Stick Fighting |
90 | Tireless | Swashbuckler | Subterfuge |
91 | Tough | Tax Collector | Survival |
92 | Trustworthy | Taxidermist | Swimming |
93 | Underestimated | Thief | Swordplay |
94 | Versatile | Thug | Tactics |
95 | Vigilant | Torturer | Thievery |
96 | Violent | Trapper | Throwing |
97 | Well-Travelled | Trickster | Tinkering |
98 | Willowly | Undertaker | Tracking |
99 | Wise | Vagrant | Unarmed Combat |
100 | Zealous | Wet Nurse | Wrestling |