16 December 2019

Odd Mounts

As you travel along the caravan trail in the Unchartable Woods, you will sometimes happen upon a group of foreigners from the west. Such Westlanders often ride steeds much more strange than the horses and lizards common all over Vanth.

The Slug Knight by Ursula Vernon
What are the foreigners riding (d20)?
  1. Animated chair: Some of the more fat and lazy travellers use animated sofas instead.
  2. Centaur: It's both a mount and another member of the party.
  3. Chimera: Roll for 1d4+1 animals here and combine them.
  4. Crab-man: Brought all the way from the Yellow City.
  5. Dire ape: When you see someone shoulder-riding a giant angry-looking ape, better just get out of the way.
  6. Flaming motorbike: Covered in skulls and spikes and fire. Pretty dangerous to ride.
  7. Flying carpet: Old and frayed, it cannot fly more than 2' off the ground.
  8. Flying reindeer: Be careful, they cannot stop in midair without falling.
  9. Giant saltworm: Not as big as a giant sandworm, but still big enough for several people and their baggage.
  10. Mammoth ghost: A ghost touch howdah sits in safety high on this intangible behemoth.
  11. Ooze: Indigestible seat is stuck on top of it, and half-digested carcasses inside of it.
  12. Palanquin: Carried by (d4) 1. muscular slaves, 2. muscular Amazon slaves, 3. many goblins, 4. force of will.
  13. Rainbow ostrich: It's snazzy, fast and in a very bad mood.
  14. Riding slug: If you encountered the foreigners en route, this rider arrives 1d6 minutes later. The slug can stick to nearly any surface, though.
  15. Sky shark: They are held aloft by sheer cool factor.
  16. Talking pony: It's annoyingly upbeat.
  17. Triffid-drawn chariot: The owner might be a botanimancer?
  18. Unicorn: This kind of a unicorn. Maybe better call it a riding flesh golem.
  19. Whirlwind elemental: The rider is floating precariously in its centre.
  20. Weird horse: They do have horses in the west, but weird horses. See below.
Sky sharks!

This weird horse is (d8):
  1. winged,
  2. invisible,
  3. skeletal,
  4. flaming,
  5. man-eating,
  6. two-headed,
  7. clockwork,
  8. actually a 1d6 humped camel.


  1. #1 Immediately conjured Hedonism Bot from Futurama in my brain.

    1. I didn't think of him when I was writing this, but you're right!
