7 March 2019

Daggers, Knives, Swords and Sickles

This is the penultimate post in the line of random weapon tables. Unfortunately I wasn't able to find enough different knives, daggers, and swords both straight and curved to fill a whole d200, but we are slowly getting there! If you notice any kind of sword-ish weapon missing from this table, please let me know.

And we're finally done! Many thanks to Ezra Bloom for their help with this table.
d200 Blades
  1. akinaka
  2. akrafena
  3. anelace
  4. arakh
  5. arming sword
  6. athame
  7. ayda katti
  8. backsword
  9. baguadao
  10. balisong
  11. balisword
  12. ballock dagger
  13. baselard
  14. bastard sword
  15. bat'leth
  16. bauernwehr
  17. bayonet
  18. belawa
  19. bichawa
  20. bokken
  21. boline
  22. bolo
  23. boot knife
  24. bowie knife
  25. broad sword
  26. butterfly sword
  27. cane knife
  28. carp's tongue sword
  29. cavalry sabre
  30. celurit
  31. cinquedea
  32. claybeg
  33. claymore
  34. colichemarde
  35. combat knife
  36. corvo
  37. courtblade
  38. crescent blade
  39. crysknife
  40. curved sword
  41. cutlass
  42. dadao
  43. dahong palay
  44. deba bocho
  45. dha
  46. dirk
  47. d'k tahg
  48. double-bladed sword
  49. dusack
  50. ear dagger
  51. epee
  52. estoc
  53. executioner's sword
  54. falchion
  55. falx
  56. fencing sabre
  57. firangi
  58. flambard (two-handed sword)
  59. flamberge (type of rapier)
  60. flyssa
  61. foil
  62. gladius
  63. golok
  64. great dagger
  65. great sickle
  66. great sword
  67. griffzungenschwert
  68. grip-tongue sword
  69. gun sword
  70. gunong
  71. gwyhyr
  72. hachiwari
  73. haudegen
  74. hook sword
  75. hunting knife
  76. hunting sword
  77. hwandudaedo
  78. changdao
  79. chopping sword
  80. jacksword
  81. janbiya
  82. jian
  83. jile
  84. kaiken
  85. kalis
  86. kampilan
  87. karabela
  88. karambit
  89. kard
  90. kaskara
  91. kastane
  92. katana
  93. katzbalger
  94. khanda
  95. khanjar
  96. kilij
  97. kinzhal
  98. kirpan
  99. kitchen knife
  100. klewang
  101. knight sword
  102. kodachi
  103. kopesh
  104. kopis
  105. krabi-krabong
  106. kriegsmesser
  107. kris
  108. kujang
  109. kukri
  110. kunai
  111. kut'luch
  112. long sword
  113. luwuk
  114. machete
  115. main gauche
  116. makhaira 
  117. makraka
  118. mambele
  119. mandau
  120. mek'leth
  121. messer
  122. mezzaluna
  123. misericorde
  124. mora knife
  125. mortuary sword
  126. nagamaki
  127. nandao
  128. navaja
  129. neck knife
  130. nimcha
  131. ninjato
  132. nodachi
  133. panabas
  134. paramerion
  135. parang
  136. patag
  137. patta
  138. phurba
  139. piandao
  140. pichangatti
  141. pinuti
  142. pocket knife
  143. poignard
  144. pugio
  145. pulwar
  146. qama
  147. rakuyo
  148. ram-dao
  149. rampuri
  150. rapier
  151. razor blade
  152. resolza
  153. rondel dagger
  154. runesword
  155. sami knife
  156. santoku
  157. scalpel
  158. schiavona
  159. scimitar
  160. scissor sword
  161. scythe sword
  162. seax
  163. seme dagger
  164. sgian-dubh
  165. shamshir
  166. shinai
  167. shiv
  168. short sword
  169. shotel
  170. sica
  171. sihill
  172. sinclair hilt sword
  173. small sword
  174. spadroon
  175. spatha
  176. stiletto
  177. straight sword
  178. survival knife
  179. tachi
  180. takoba
  181. talwar
  182. tanto
  183. tecpatl
  184. terbutje
  185. thinblade
  186. trench knife
  187. triple sword
  188. tsurugi
  189. tumi
  190. uchigatana
  191. ulfberht
  192. urumi
  193. wakizashi
  194. war sickle
  195. wodao
  196. xiphos
  197. yatagan
  198. yoroi-doshi
  199. zhanmadao
  200. zweihander
Gladius, short sword, long sword and knight sword.

Several different ayda katti.

Bayonet knife.
I actually have a very similar one at home.

Twin butterfly swords.

Daisho of katana and wakizashi.

This is flambard, a huge two-hander...

...and this is flamberge. Don't mix them up.

Hachiwari, a knife.

Kopis, a sword.

Kukri, another knife.

You may have heard of them in A Red & Pleasant Land.


Crescent blade.
Definitely not stolen from an obscure video game.

Patta, a gauntlet-sword.

Scissor sword!


  1. Could add:
    Griffzungenschwert (or Naue)
    Carp's tongue sword

    1. to get you closer to 200 ;)

    2. Messer: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Messer_(weapon)

      Bauernwehr: https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=de&u=https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bauernwehr&prev=search

    3. oooo more!

      Dusack https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dusack
      Scythe Sword https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scythe_sword
      Basket Hilt swords: Schiavona, Mortuary Sword, Walloon Sword or haudegen, Scottish broadsword, Sinclair Hilt https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basket-hilted_sword

    4. Thanks! We're getting pretty close to 200.

  2. That looks great! I believ it will have a similar makeover.

    Greek Sword
