26 March 2019

d30 Drawbacks and Flaws

Being a wizard has its perks, but also its drawbacks. All wizards are a little off*, the massive conditioning required to hold spell-spirits in their brain ensures that. Sometimes it manifests as a strange quirk of personality, sometimes as a physical defect or deficiency. With great power comes great insanity.

And because by now your perks, cantrips and spells can all be randomised,  you can roll below for a random drawback, too.

d30 Drawbacks
  1. You are allergic to (d6): 1) dairy products, 2) gold, 3) moulds and fungi, 4) music, 5) feathers, 6) moonlight. You take 1d4 damage per round of exposure due to allergic reaction.
  2. You must Save vs Fear in (d6): 1) the presence of sheep, 2) darkness, 3) a crowd, 4) small spaces, 5) any heated argument, 6) deep water.
  3. You sneeze loudly if magical creatures are nearby.
  4. You are incapable of tying any knot. Knots on any ropes you touch will come loose within a few minutes. Shoes with shoelaces are out, as are safety ropes.
  5. You don't believe in the existence of (d6): 1) magical beasts, 2) people with evil intentions, 3) people who care about you, 4) the Sun, 5) anything you cannot touch or see, 6) laws and regulations. You cannot be convinced otherwise and rationalise any evidence as an illusion, trick, or any barely believable "explanation".
  6. You must Save vs Distraction by shiny things. This can break your concentration, make you forget what you were doing or saying, or anything appropriate.
  7. You have very small bladder that is highly active at inopportune moments. Save or pee.
  8. You are illiterate. Your spellbook is something that does not require you to read.
  9. Your face was numbed in a freak magical accident and you always have the same facial expression. Roll d6: 1) anger, 2) boredom, 3) disgust, 4) lust, 5) pain, 6) terror.
  10. You believe everything is about you. You cannot be convinced otherwise. ("Oh, I feel so terrible that the orcs we never met attacked this village just to get at me!")
  11. You have a phobia about casting spells with strangers watching. Save or be unable to do so.
  12. You mindlessly obey any one-word command shouted at you. It takes you just a second to gather yourself, so only commands that take a second to carry out are actually effective against you. ("Kneel!" yes, but not "Come here.")
  13. You are under a compulsion to speak all your thoughts out loud.
  14. You follow d6 obscure and/or weird foreign customs, such as disrobing before entering someone's home, never eating before the host grants you signed permission, or bowing to a foe (even animals) before combat.
  15. You are paranoid. Everyone except your closest friends is out to get you! You may not accept help or assistance.
  16. You only ever feel welcome around monsters and have trouble fighting with them. You will always try to talk to them and would never ambush one.
  17. You cannot tell the living, the dead and the undead apart, no matter what.
  18. You think you are a different race than you really are, and cannot be convinced otherwise. You cannot use your racial abilities.
  19. You are a cannibal and don't understand it can be appalling to some.
  20. You love cats. No, really, you would do anything for them! You also start with 3d6 pet cats.
  21. You are addicted to (d6) 1) a random magical drug, 2) alcohol, 3) fresh milk, 4) bathing, 6) sex. You cannot recover MD unless you get your fix.
  22. You are completely invisible to domesticated animals, and they to you.
  23. You are sleepwalking. Save each night or roll for what happened in your sleep (you can use a Carousing table or anything appropriate), unless restrained.
  24. You cannot stop yourself from over-the-top boasts and constant dares and wagers. You may never refuse or go back on a bet.
  25. You are afraid of sleeping alone. Crawl into the bunk of a comrade after they're asleep (roll Stealth), or gain half the effects of sleep.
  26. You have no sense of direction and constantly get lost. You cannot follow a map nor travel instructions unless somebody leads the way.
  27. You cannot tell a direct lie. Misleading and lies of omission are fine.
  28. You are mute around the other gender unless tipsy.
  29. You refuse to take off your clothes and armour, even for sleeping or washing.
  30. Pick one medium-term goal. You are obsessed with it to the detriment of everything else. You may not change it until you achieve it, even if it later becomes unfeasible. You have disadvantage on anything that would conflict with your goal. 

*) Yes, even those orthodox pricks. They will tell you how composed they are and how controlled their magic is, and then blow your shoes off with a fireball because they cast first, ask questions later.

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