Ahazu, the Seizer in the Dark
It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.
- Zork
Starting Items:
- lavish clothes stained with old food and vomit,
- as many empty bottles and chewed bones as you can carry.
Mark & Taboo
There is an endless starry void in the back of your throat. Your stomach is hideously distended and bloated.
You may never miss a meal. Should you break your Taboo, you must hold an opulent feast for three days and nights.
First Secret of the Hungry Darkness
You may eat any number of rations in a single action. For every ration eaten, you gain +1 on your next roll. You are always hungry and produce no body waste.
You may swallow inedible or
dangerous substances with no ill effects, but gain no nutrition from them. You could snack on razors and drink acid without harm, or try the effects of monstrous meat and unknown potions by gulping them up.
Second Secret of Darkness Without
You may start vomiting endless torrents of darkness that fill a 30' radius around you. The darkness blocks sight and weakens other senses for everyone except for you.
You cannot stop vomiting until you pass a Save, but can act normally even as darkness pours from your mouth. This ability recharges whenever you eat.
Third Secret of Darkness Within
You may swallow creatures or items whole, up to one size category larger than you. Unwilling creatures must be grappled before being swallowed. All the swallowed objects are placed within an extradimensional space in your stomach that resembles a vast, lightless and timeless cavern with alien stars twinkling overhead.
You may safely store no more than [Cultist templates] things at a time, irrespective of their size, otherwise the superfluous objects may start to disappear into the darkness. You can regurgitate anything within your stomach at will.
Ritual of the Pregnant Darkness
There is a small pool of amniotic fluids and darkness in your stomach-cavern. By eating a raw chunk of a creature's flesh, you can begin to gestate a loyal clone of it in this pool. The clone takes a full day to gestate, and may be regurgitate at any later time, already adult. It dies a week after you release it from your stomach. You may only have one clone at a time.
Astaroth, the Broken Clockmaker
He is very old. He is hurting very badly. He is underwater, in space, and everywhere else. He cannot get off his chair. He is stuck there forever because he is so badly hurt.
- SCP-1348, SCP Foundation
...not afraid of The Lord, for He is as we are, broken and scattered. As we restore the body of God, so we restore ourselves. To join with the Lord is good. As we give honor and worship to the Lord, so does He honor us. To serve the Lord is good. As we guard the Lord from harm, so does He...
- Church of the Broken God Bible Fragments, SCP Foundation
Starting Items:
- toolbox (3 slots, but has nearly any tool you might need),
- broken pocket watch.
Mark & Taboo
You constantly weep tears of black oil. Loud ticking is heard from your innards.
You may never harm a machine or mechanism, or allow them to be harmed. Should you break your Taboo, you must repair or build more mechanisms than were harmed.
First Secret of the Mechanisms and Machinery
You can speak with machines and mechanisms, and gain +2 to Reaction rolls with them. This includes mechanisms as simple as locks or traps, and machines as complex as alien supercomputers. You may negotiate with them and persuade them to do you various favours.
You can tell time perfectly.
Friendly locks will open for you, allied crossbow might get a bonus to hit.
Second Secret of the Cog and the Key
You do not eat, drink, breathe, sleep or age. Instead, you have a slot between your shoulder blades where a winding key can be inserted. You cannot reach there and need someone else to wind you up, or you will stop living until your are wound again. For every minute of winding, you gain one hour of functioning. Should someone wind you up for more than twenty four hours of life, you become overwound and take 1d6 damage for every additional wound up hour.
You take 1d6 damage per minute in water as your skin starts to get covered in rust and your movement grinds and screeches.
Third Secret of the Ticking Clock
You may increase your clock speed. This allows you to take up to [Cultist templates] extra actions per round, but at the cost of one hour of winding per extra action.
Ritual of Grafted Steel
Where flesh gave way, steel shall prevail.
With tools, materials and time, you can repair living beings as if they were machines. You need a forge and some clockwork components, then you can rivet the wounds and weld the bones. It takes a minute to heal 1 hp, or an hour to heal 1 point of attribute damage. Talk with your GM about implants and clockwork prosthetics.
Ain't he cute? |
Buer, the CEO of Evil
FUCK OFF BUER!!!1!!!1!
- TheLawfulNeutral
Starting Items:
- spiked black leather armour,
- goatee (women get a fake one),
- evil laughter.
Mark & Taboo
Your legs bifurcate into four cloven hoofed feet.
You must kill anyone who insults or makes fun of you. If you break your Taboo, kill another intelligent creature instead. Your minions are intelligent enough to serve you in this way.
You know how some villains keep killing their own minions when they get angry, just to show you how evil they are? You are one of those guys now.
First Secret of the Master
You are served by [Cultist templates] x 2 minions of Buer. They are HD 0 with only 1 hp, and deal 1d6 damage with their various limbs. They also look pretty ridiculous (roll
here, automated generator on the sidebar) and act in generally silly, dumb way. They are absolutely loyal to you, though, and will do anything without question - walk into a known deadly trap, blow themselves up as suicide attackers, hold their breath until they pass out. They never roll Morale and cannot be turned against you.
Every night, you may summon new minions for any who died that day.
Second Secret of the Commander
You may sacrifice any number of your minions to gain +X to a Save, or to decrease the amount of damage you take by X, where X is the number of sacrificed minions. All the minions somehow protect you, but tragically and grisly die in the process, showering the surroundings in copious amounts of gore.
Third Secret of the Dark Lord
You are always dimly aware of all your minions. You can command them telepathically, and with concentration you may access all their senses. You can even speak through their (many) mouths.
Ritual of Demonic Possession
Mix ash, fat and blood, then draw the unholy symbol of Buer on the forehead of a helpless victim. One of your minions will possess the victim and you can then use them in the same way as any of your minions, but also gain access to their abilities.
Ikor, the Lamb of the Pyre
"For My flesh is true food, and My blood is true drink."
- John 6:55, NET Bible
Starting Items:
- gnarly staff,
- plain white robe,
- devoted disciple.
Mark & Taboo
Smoke comes out of your mouth when you speak. Your blood smells sweet and delicious.
You may not allow your blood to be spilled in vain. Should you break you Taboo, you must take the blood of whoever bled you against your will, or a blood freely given if the offender escapes or doesn't bleed. As much blood as you bled must be taken.
Bludgeoning attacks are assumed not to draw blood, so the actual concern are enemies with sharp weapons.
First Secret of the Holy Blood
Your blood is sacred, nutritious and as flammable as oil. Every pint (2 hp worth) of your blood is equivalent to one ration, bottle of holy water and a flask of lamp oil.
Your spittle may ignite flammable substances.
Second Secret of the Stigmata
Your blood lives. When outside your body, you can command your blood to flow and climb in any direction.
You may also shape a pint of it into any simple item (a dagger, 10' of rope). Larger items may require more blood, and intricate items may require some skill or foreknowledge (for example, you can shape a key, but if you don't know what type of key will open a door, your key will likely not fit). All blood-shaped items last for 10 minutes.
Don't forget that your blood can now cover surfaces or drip on your enemies from above, and then you can spit on it...
Third Secret of the Burned Offering
When you die or when you will it, your body explodes as a
fireball with number of MD equal to your HD, showering everyone nearby with burning gore. You can also will your limbs to explode independently as a
fireball with 1 MD - this deals no damage to you, but leaves you with a smoking stump. If this attack kills any creature, you heal 1d6 hp per their HD. This healing may resurrect you if you exploded because of your death.
Ritual of the Sacred Salamander
Prepare a pyre or rare woods, sprinkled with incense and adorned with prayer strips. Anyone may sleep on the lit pyre as a part of their daily rest. They will take no damage from the flames and awaken in the morning with one of their lost limbs restored or a crippling injury healed.