10 February 2023

Trash and Rubbish

What was left in an abandoned hut? What's lying on the ground in a random back alley? I search that pile of trash!

d100 Useless Things

  1. pot lid
  2. pottery shard
  3. blunt knife
  4. scratched commemorative medal
  5. fake jewelry, obvious
  6. counterfeit "gold" coin, obvious
  7. half a copper coin, foreign
  8. cat skull
  9. live cat
  10. chewed bone
  11. bits of offal
  12. snail shell
  13. rusty needle
  14. faded note reading "...later, but do not tell..."
  15. torn envelope addressed to the chancellor
  16. waterlogged letter
  17. mouldy book
  18. booklet of risque stories
  19. writing quill
  20. chewed pencil
  21. half of a shield
  22. dried flowers
  23. fish skeleton
  24. jawbone, human?
  25. shrivelled apple
  26. one arrow
  27. one sock
  28. used handkerchief
  29. child drawing of a woman and forest
  30. toy soldier
  31. teddy dragon
  32. candle stub
  33. glass eye
  34. peg leg
  35. oil-soaked rag
  36. ball of blue yarn
  37. seashell
  38. nice-looking pebble
  39. rock with eyes and a mouth painted on
  40. shoelace
  41. long piece of string
  42. ruined hairbrush
  43. dry, crumbling mascara
  44. letter opener
  45. chess piece
  46. empty bottle
  47. mummified mouse
  48. seventeen dead cockroaches
  49. corkscrew and two corks
  50. playing dice, scratched
  51. tooth
  52. sketch of a naked dwarf
  53. bent spoon
  54. bent hairpin
  55. metal shavings
  56. sawdust
  57. painted beads
  58. bird skulls stringed on a leather cord
  59. reddish-brown mushroom
  60. toe
  61. shed snake skin
  62. handful of live bugs
  63. manure
  64. broken broom
  65. spectacles with cracked lenses
  66. jar full of crow feathers
  67. lump of flesh-colored wax
  68. rotting vegetables
  69. leather glove, left, no pinky
  70. mouldy sheepskin
  71. whistle that doesn't work
  72. embroidered linen bed sheet with multiple holes cut into it
  73. horseshoe
  74. measuring stick
  75. pouch full of salt
  76. rough iron amulet engraved with an eye
  77. flower pot
  78. playing card
  79. live frog or toad
  80. red string tied in intricate knots
  81. pouch with the bottom cut out
  82. sprig of mistletoe
  83. big slimy disgusting slug
  84. pouch of rusty nails
  85. fist-sized gneiss orb
  86. garish clothes, worn through
  87. colourful bead
  88. perfume phial, nearly empty
  89. stuffed mink
  90. simple wooden cup
  91. beautiful teacup, chipped
  92. potato
  93. burnt-out torch
  94. broken shackles
  95. flint and steel
  96. undergarments
  97. foppish hat
  98. noose made of fraying rope
  99. stinky stain
  100. minor magical item


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