30 August 2018

d100 GLOG Wizard Schools

Why would you let a player pick what school of magic their wizard studied, when you can have them roll on a neat table instead? Here is the neat table.

From here.

d100+ Schools of Magic

  1. Abjurer
  2. Abnegator*
  3. Adept*
  4. Adipomancer
  5. Alchemist*
  6. Alienist
  7. Allomancer*
  8. Alloy Wizard
  9. Ancient Wizard
  10. Anti Wizard
  11. Arachnomagus 
  12. Arcane Inventor
  13. Arcane Wizard
  14. Astromancer*
  15. Ba-Priest
  16. Baboonist
  17. Banking Wizard 
  18. Bard
  19. Beast of War*
  20. Beastmaster*
  21. Beeromancer  
  22. Biology Wizard
  23. Biomancer
  24. Bird with a Sorcerer*
  25. Black Witch
  26. Black Wizard of Sal-Carrion
  27. Blood Aspirant*
  28. Bone Wizard
  29. Book Wizard 
  30. Calcomancer**
  31. Camera Wizard
  32. Carolingia Mage*
  33. Cat Wizard
  34. Channeller*
  35. Chanter
  36. Chaos Cabalist
  37. Chaos Mage
  38. Cheese Wizard
  39. Chemistry Wizard 
  40. Chromatomancer  
  41. Civic Wizard
  42. Cosmomancer**
  43. Country Wizard
  44. Courser Wizard 
  45. Crimson Demon Wizard
  46. Cthonomancer**
  47. Culinary Wizard
  48. Curse-Eater Wizard  
  49. Cursed Master*
  50. Dava**
  51. Deep Mage
  52. Demon Blade*
  53. Demonologist*
  54. Densomancer
  55. Diabolist
  56. Diviner Wizard 
  57. Domestic Witch
  58. Dr. Ogudugu's Academy Graduate
  59. Drowned Wizard
  60. Druid
  61. Earthsea Mage*
  62. Eidolon Summoner*
  63. Eldritch Warlock*
  64. Electric Wizard
  65. Electromancer**
  66. Elemental Chaos Sorcerer*
  67. Elementalist Wizard
  68. Elf Wizard
  69. False Elf*
  70. Fey Stalker*
  71. Fey Witch
  72. Figmentalist*
  73. Fleshcrafter
  74. Folk Mage*
  75. Force Wizard
  76. Forge Wizard
  77. Garbage Wizard
  78. Garden Wizard
  79. Geometer Wizard
  80. Goblin Filthomancer 
  81. Golemancer
  82. Golemist*
  83. Guild Mage*
  84. Gun Witch*
  85. Handsome Wizard
  86. Headmaster Wizard
  87. Heartless Wizard*
  88. Heleognostic
  89. Hell Knight 
  90. Heptamancer
  91. Herald of the Immaculate Morning
  92. Hermit of the Blood-Knots
  93. Hermit of the Iron Skunk Bear
  94. High Elf*
  95. Hot Springs Wizard 
  96. Humorist
  97. Ice Wizard 
  98. Illusionist Wizard
  99. Industrial Wizard
  100. Invoker*
  101. Iron Wizard of Tolti-Aph
  102. Jellimentalist
  103. Kamikaze Wizard
  104. Land Warden*
  105. Lenguamancer
  106. Life Mage*
  107. Lighthouse Wizard
  108. Mad Scientist
  109. Magelander*
  110. Mage of the Five Lands*
  111. Magician*
  112. Magic-User*
  113. Magos of the Order Goetia*
  114. Magos of the Order Theurgia*
  115. Malachite Wizard
  116. Many Wizards*
  117. Manufactory Wizard*
  118. Martial Wizard*
  119. Mathemagician
  120. Mesmerist*
  121. Metamage*
  122. Metamancer**
  123. Metatron*
  124. Miracle-Maker
  125. Moderatus Wizard
  126. Monk
  127. Muscle Wizard**
  128. Narcomancer
  129. Necanthrope
  130. Necromancer
  131. Necromonger
  132. Nereid*
  133. Night Hag 
  134. Noise Wizard
  135. Numismagus
  136. Numismancer  
  137. Oathbound*
  138. Octopus Wizard
  139. Oracle Wizard
  140. Orthodox Wizard
  141. Pact Mage
  142. Physics Wizard
  143. Plutocrat Wizard 
  144. Potion Wizard
  145. Practical Necromancer 
  146. Practitioner*
  147. Priestess of Lolth
  148. Prophet 
  149. Psychomancer**
  150. Pyromancer
  151. Qal Ashen Arbiter
  152. Qal Ashen Magus
  153. Qal Ashen Necromancer 
  154. Qal Ashen Sacred One*
  155. Qigong Wizard
  156. Queensman Wizard
  157. Radiomancer
  158. Rathman Necromancer
  159. Reclaimer Wizard
  160. Relic Seeker*
  161. Ring-Bearer*
  162. Root Doctor*
  163. Sacred Alchemist*
  164. Science Wizard
  165. Scion of the First Storm
  166. Sea Mage
  167. Secretist
  168. Seed Wizard
  169. Shadow Wizard
  170. Silk Wizard
  171. Sin Wizard
  172. Skull Wizard
  173. Snake Wizard
  174. Solar Geometer
  175. Somnambulist 
  176. Sorcerer*
  177. Soulcaster of the Elusive Hound
  178. Soul Shaman** 
  179. Speed Wizard
  180. Speleomage
  181. Spell-blooded Prince*
  182. Spellhost*
  183. Spellthief*
  184. Spider Wizard
  185. Stalactomancer
  186. Star Warlock
  187. Summoner
  188. Sun Wizard
  189. Sword Mage
  190. Sword Saint
  191. Tea Wizard*
  192. Telemancer
  193. Textile Wizard
  194. Three Primes Wizard
  195. Town Wizard 
  196. Toxinist
  197. Truenamer*
  198. Tulpamancer
  199. Undergraduate Wizard
  200. Warlock**
  201. War Wizard
  202. Warmind Wizard
  203. Wasard*
  204. White Witch
  205. Winter Witch
  206. Witch Coven*
  207. Witch of the Old Ways*
  208. Wizard-Artist
  209. Wizard of the Red Hand
  210. Wizard of the White Hand  
  211. Wonder-Worker*
  212. Wordsmith Wizard
  213. Wrench Wizard
  214. Xeromancer 
From here.

Here are some more wizards or wizard-related classes that are a bit too different from the base wizard class, too weird, a bit under- or overpowered, or a bit incomplete. You should still check them out!
  1. Architect Wizard
  2. Biotech Wizard***
  3. Blacksmoke Sorcerer*
  4. Blessed One*
  5. Botanimancer
  6. Calimarimancer
  7. Carrier
  8. Chainsaw Wizard
  9. Chronomancer 
  10. Cleric
  11. Crusader
  12. Cult*
  13. Door Wizard
  14. Dream Scholar*
  15. Elven Spellsword*
  16. Elven Trickster*
  17. Elven Wanderer*
  18. Entropy Wizard*** 
  19. Exalted*
  20. Fae Warlock
  21. Fake Math Wizard
  22. Fiendish Channeler
  23. Filth Sorcerer
  24. Flex Wizard 
  25. Gastropomancer
  26. Gish*
  27. Graven Wizard
  28. Gun Priest of Kos 
  29. Hackr*
  30. Hair Wizard
  31. Hepticove
  32. Hidden Witch*
  33. Horse Wizard
  34. Hyperspace Wizard*** 
  35. Lock Wizard*
  36. Mage*
  37. Magic-User*
  38. Manufactory Wizard*
  39. Marrow Wizard*
  40. Martian Robo-Wizard*
  41. Meat Mage
  42. Necroid
  43. Necromancer
  44. NecromΔncer*
  45. Pataphysician
  46. Pornomancer
  47. Preacher (part 2, part 3)*
  48. Priest of Hesaya*
  49. Psion*
  50. Raven Master
  51. Sage*
  52. Sorcerer
  53. Space Witch
  54. Sword Wizard
  55. Tech
  56. Telemancer  
  57. Thaumaturge*
  58. Thaumonaut
  59. Time Wizard
  60. Toxic*
  61. Warlock
  62. WΔrlock*
  63. Weather Witch*
  64. White Mage
  65. WizΔrd (extra spells)*
  66. Woodland Protector
  67. Wuxia Warrior*

Plus several interesting spellcasters can be found here and there is even a random GLOG wizard generator!

Have I missed any wizardly traditions? Tell me and I'll add them. Thanks to everyone who creates the many wonderful classes for GLOG!

From here.

*) These classes have some mechanics that differentiate them from base GLOG wizards, but they are close enough and/or interesting enough to have them here, IMHO.
**)  These classes have somewhat scattered write-ups. Have a look here.
***) These science fantasy wizards use cyber-thaumic implants described here instead of levelling up.

Class: Iron Wizard of Tolti-Aph

I came upon the idea for this magic school when playing The Reliques of Tolti-Aph, so this is where iron wizards originate from.

Six hundred years ago, a group of settlers came into the middle of nowhere and found a village of Aph. The reason they braved the wilderness and ventured so far away from all other yiggish settlements was simple - a diviner wizard came to the king with a vision she had, a vision of picks and tunnels, of toil and treasure. Aph was found upon a hill where the diviner foretold the location of abundant veins of silver, and the wizard was right. The village developed quickly, exporting silver, importing miners, and gaining on significance. It soon grew into a wealthy town and awaited even more success in its future.

Three hundred years ago, the world-famous silver mines of Aph ran nearly dry. By then, Aph grew from a thriving town into a city, and then a metropolis overflowing with opulence. Its silver bought it power and luxuries unheard of. It sponsored the largest wizard academy in the whole world, partially in thanks to the wizard it owed its fortunes to. And all of this would be jeopardised once the silver flow stopped entirely. For three hundred years, the silver of Aph bought peace and prosperity for Yig. To loose this income now could be the sign of weakness all the envious neighbour countries were waiting for.

Medieval mines.

Luckily for the Yiggish, their king was not a decadent, whore-mongering noble like so many of his peers. His name was Tolti, (soon to be known as) the Mage-King of Silver and Iron. When he heard about the plight of Aph, it is said that a dark gloom descended upon his brow and he closed himself in his great library. He was a learnt man, even apprenticing at the Academy of Aph before his knightly training and obligations of an heir apparent forced him to discontinue his studies. He was also a shrewd man and after a week in his library, he emerged with a plan.

He took a hundred of his most loyal knights, ten of his most skilled wizards, and a single legendary thief who awaited execution in his dungeon. He bid farewell to his wife and his daughters. He entrusted his kingdom to the hands of his younger brother and told him to spare no expense in preserving the illusion of stability, just till he returns.  And then he quested south, deep into the Great Swamp where ancient stone circles and fairy rings are said to lead straight into the spirit world. He was gone for a year and a day.

To this day, no one knows what terrible trials he and his fellows underwent, but half of his men never returned, and Tolti himself had his right hand turned into a lump of iron and his right eye replaced with an enchanted silver sphere. They brought with themselves the salvation for Yig, though. Hidden in a massive cage of silver, glass and gossamer, they brought with themselves a being that was meant to return the faded glory of Aph to its prime. They brought Khalybs, the god of iron, defeated, bound and chained.

Chained Khalybs.
From God of War.

Soon, the empty mines of Aph were rebuilt into a massive gaol-factory, where enormous amounts of high-quality iron were produced from bare stone with the help of enslaved divinity. Where miners and jewellers used to work now stood forges that spewed torrents of steel, and the blacksmiths of Aph seemed to be unable to produce any goods but masterworks. The grateful council of Aph decided to honour their king in the name of their city, and eventually Tolti moved his court to the newly named Tolti-Aph and made it his capital. Yig became an empire and Tolti its fist emperor.

One hundred years ago, a small group of cultists (or maybe they were adventurers) managed to penetrate the impenetrable defences of the Iron Fortress of Tolti-Aph and reach the chamber of the god-cage, deep within the immense expanse of the ancient underground. They sacrificed their lives to hold off the flood of yiggish guards and iron wizards long enough to break the seals and release Khalybs from his prison. That was the day Tolti-Aph fell and the Empire of Yig was shattered.

This is how I imagine Khalybs.
Hephaestus by Ursca

Iron wizards are the remnants of the Academy of Aph, the few who were not present in Tolti-Aph when it fell. Once, they were the jailers of Khalybs and honoured citizens of Yig. Today, they are on the run, outlawed in Yig by authorities afraid of divine retribution and always looking over their shoulder for worshippers of Khalybs.

Their current troubles notwithstanding, iron wizards are proud and strong. The days might be rough, but their predecessors imprisoned a god. There is nothing an iron wizards couldn't do and it's only a matter of time until they will reclaim lost glory of their name.

The knights of Tolti battle the god of iron
in the Second Veil of the Spirit Realm.
From Diablo III.

You are an Outsider Around Here and an Outlaw in Yig.

Starting Items: a pouch of silver needles (worth 1 gp), a small piece of silver jewelry, a pair of leather gloves.

Starting Skill: (d4) 1. Appraisal, 2. Metallurgy, 3. Prospector, 4. Religion.

Perks & Flaws:

You can imbue a silver item (usually a pendant, a ring, or a circlet) with a bit of your power. Move any number of your MD into the item. You can only access these MD when you are touching the imbued item. You can only have one imbued item at a time, but should it get destroyed, the imbued MD return to your personal pool and you may imbue another item. However, be careful about loosing the imbued item or having it stolen (the imbued MD can be used by any wizard).

When spent, the imbued MD return to the item automatically on the next midnight, even if you didn't rest. Additionally, once per day you may channel magic through your imbued item and for [wizard templates] rounds, any MD you use from the item return on 1-5. When the duration of channelling ends, Save or suffer a Mishap.

As everyone from Tolti-Aph, you were cursed by Khalybs. Iron burns you on touch, dealing 1 damage per object per round of skin contact.

  1. When you close your eyes and concentrate, you can sense metals within 30'.
  2. You can tell the composition of a metal item by sight. For example, you can distinguish different metals, or ratios of metals in an alloy.
  3. You can command a single metal coin within 30' with concentration. It will stand on its edge or roll as you wish, and always fall on the face you choose when you flip it.
by Gillesketting

Spell List:

1. Corrosion
R: touch; T: [dice] metal creatures or objects; D: 0

A piece of iron rusts and flakes away, and other metals are affected according to their resilience. Gold is covered in patina, silver blackens, copper turns into verdigris, etc.

Small objects (such as a lock), or a square foot of metal plating is destroyed in a pile of rust. Creatures and magic items are allowed a Save and receive [dice] breaks or [sum] damage, whichever your system uses.

2. Pick one of the following:
Heat Metal
R: 30'; T: metal creature or object; D: [sum] rounds

The target becomes searingly hot, dealing [dice] damage per round to any creature that touches it. It is hot enough to boil water, set easily flammable materials alight, and glow dimly.

If a creature wears an armour affected by this spell and takes any cold damage, this damage is reduced by [dice] and the creature takes no damage from this spell on their next turn.

Chill Metal
R: 30'; T: metal creature or object; D: [sum] rounds

The target becomes painfully cold, dealing [dice] damage per round to any creature that touches it. It is cold enough to freeze water, and other creatures or objects may become stuck to the target as they freeze to it, requiring a Str check to pull free.

If a creature wears an armour affected by this spell and takes any fire damage, this damage is reduced by [dice] and the creature takes no damage from this spell on their next turn.

3. Bend Metal
R: touch; T: metal creature or object; D: [dice] hours

A piece of metal bends or unbends. Metal weapons may become unusable and metal armour may impose significant penalties. Locks can be opened, or warped to prevent opening.

4. Repel Metal
R: 50'; T: [dice] metal creatures or objects; D: 0

You push the target away. Targets of about human size can be tripped, while smaller targets can be propelled farther away and at higher speed. Too large a target may force you to Save or be repelled yourself.

You can definitely use this to throw [dice] daggers in a single turn. Repelling a metal floor would allow you to jump very high.

5. Hold Metal
R: 50'; T: [dice] metal creatures or objects; D: concentration, up to [sum] rounds

The target is locked in place, as immovable rod.

6. Thousand Needles
R: 30'; T: creatures; D: 0

You enchant a handful of needles which shoot out from your palm at nearby targets. Split [sum] damage among creatures in range in any way you want, no Save.

7. Curse Needle
R: touch; T: creature; D: permanent until discharged

You enchant a needle with a terrible curse, and then bury this needle into the flesh of the target creature. When an attack next pierces the skin of the target, the needle will be there, ready to prick the claw or scratch the weapon. The needle is destroyed and the attacker is subject to a curse.

Pick [dice] of the following options to inflict on the attacker:
  • The attacker takes [sum] damage from intense pain.
  • If the attacker used a weapon, she drops it. If she was using natural weapons, she falls prone as sudden weakness overcomes her limbs.
  • If the attacker used a spell, the MD she used are burnt. If any of the burnt MD would have returned otherwise, the target gains them (up to the maximum MD they can normally hold).
  • The attacker has a minor curse bestowed upon him. This option costs 2 [dice].
  • The attacker has a major curse bestowed upon him. This option costs 4 [dice].

For every day the cursed needle remains embedded in the flesh of the target, they must Save or risk a mutation. Should the target be slain without triggering the cursed needle, they will rise as a zombie on the next midnight, as the curse takes over the body.

I stole this spell from here, where more information on it can be found. Note that the spell only triggers on taking slashing or piercing damage, as blunt attacks won't break the skin. The zombification happens because every curse is a spirit, and you just gave it a vacant body to use.

8. Iron Guts
R: 0; T: self; D: [sum] hours

Nothing you eat has any effect on you, positive or negative. You could eat glass or poison without harm, but need to get them out of your body before the spell expires. However, you also gain no nutrition from food, or boons from potions.

9. Iron Bones
R: touch; T: creature; D: [dice] hours

The bones of the target turn to iron and their body hardens too, granting them [sum] temporary hp. The target is immune to fractures and dismemberment. The iron makes them much heavier than normal, letting them count their Str as 20 against being pushed, shoved or moved, but preventing them from swimming, jumping and similar activities.

This spell just begs to be used on a flying enemy, or someone trying to climb out of water.

10. Iron Eyes
R: 0; T: self; D: [sum] rounds

Your eyes turn to iron. You are blind, but can see magnetic waves. There are tiny magnetic particles and metal dust nearly everywhere, so the world will look like a dreamscape of glowing dots to you. Solid metal will flare brightly and you may be momentarily dazzled if you look too closely at a large amount of it.

With 4 [dice], you can make the duration permanent.

Don't look at the knight and definitely don't wear a metal helmet. Aurora Borealis will probably look incredible through the iron eyes. Adapted from VotE.

11. Pick one of the following:
Touch of Iron
R: touch; T: creature or object; D: varies

The target turns to iron. Creatures and magical items get a Save to resist. Treat as petrification for creatures, except that they recover rather quickly unless 4 [dice] are used.

The spell duration is [sum] rounds at 1 [die], minutes at 2 [dice], hours at 3 [dice], or permanent at 4 [dice].

Touch of Silver
R: touch; T: [dice] weapons; D: [sum] rounds

The target weapon takes on the properties of silver while loosing none of its own virtues.

For example, an iron sword silvered with this spell would not burn an iron wizard's skin and would serve as a bane to lycanthropes, but it would also retain the hardness and sharp edge of an iron weapon.

12. Void Metal
R: touch; T: creature; D: [dice] rounds

The target becomes intangible to all metals. Metal can harmlessly pass through them and should they be wielding or carrying any metal items, those are dropped unless held in gloves or with a sack.

If [sum] is 12 or more, the duration becomes [dice] minutes instead. If [sum] is 20 or more, the duration becomes permanent. In both cases, the caster cannot dismiss the spell prematurely.

Here are two extra spells that can be chosen with your Master of Magics ability:

Melt Metal
R: touch; T: metal object; D: [dice] rounds

The target looses cohesion as if it was molten, though its temperature doesn't change.

With 1 [die], you can affect weapon-sized objects. With more [dice], larger objects can be affected.

Shape Metal
R: touch; T: metal; D: concentration

You can shape metal as easily as clay.

At 1 [dice], you can only roughly bend and twist the metal object. At 2 [dice], you can craft simple objects out of metal. At 3 [dice], you can craft elaborate objects. At 4 [dice], your creations can strain plausibility, being incredibly thin yet resilient, or too light for their mass.

  1. Your MD only return on a 1-2 for 24 hours.
  2. You take 1d6 damage as you cough up several needles.
  3. Random mutation for 1d6 rounds, then Save. Permanent if you fail. Mutations related to metal are preferable.
  4. Random insanity for 1d6 rounds, then Save. Permanent if you fail.
  5. All metal within 30' of you corrodes. Iron is coated in a thick layer of rust, silver blackens, copper is covered in verdigris, etc.
  6. Spell targets you (if harmful) or enemy (if beneficial) or fizzles (if neutral).
  1. A minor body part of yours (finger, nose, one ear, etc.) turns to inanimate iron. The iron does not burn you at the point of melding with your fleshy body, but you should take care not to touch your skin elsewhere.
  2. A major body part of yours (arm, leg, tongue, genitals, etc.) turns to inanimate iron. The iron does not burn you at the point of melding with your fleshy body, but you should take care not to touch your skin elsewhere.
  3. You turn into an iron statue. You are essentially petrified, but remain conscious and deprived of all sensory input. Such is the revenge of Khalybs. You can still be communicated with through telepathy, but you will likely be insane by the time a telepath can be found.
Your dooms can be avoided by appeasing Khalybs, or turning your imbued item into a magic jar and escaping your iron body.

Massive mines and dungeons below a city
are the wet dream of every adventurer.

Adventures in Tolti-Aph

Tolti-Aph could be a great adventuring location. Ancient ruined city, once (still?) full of treasures. Academy where you could look for lost artifacts, priceless tomes, or obscure spells. Palace of the extinct royal line, items of great value monetary or sentimental waiting to be recovered. Sprawling underground, built over centuries of building and rebuilding - sewers and cellars, prisons and dungeons and tunnels, abandoned mines and factories. The shattered god-cage itself, full of profane magics. Cultists, lunatics, escaped experiments and living statues. I smell a megadungeon material.

Edited for clarity. :)

28 August 2018

Class: Wizard of the Red Hand

There is a reason why wizard towers and colleges often end up destroyed or outlawed. The First Estate sees heresy in their wanton manipulation of reality. The Second Estate fears their power, for what good is a knight when you can shoot a magic missile through his head from over the next hill. The Third Estate remembers all too well the incidents of the past and distrusts magic, and wizards even more.

Yet there is a school of magic in Jarjuna that had avoided angry mobs and inquisition for centuries. It is even well-liked, and seen as humble, pious, helpful and kind. Wizards of the White Hand enforce a strong secularity from powers both worldly and religious, keeping to themselves except for the occasional healing of the ill, or war efforts. Do not meddle in the affairs of the mighty and win the favour of masses, that is their creed. And it's working well, for people don't cross the street when they see a White Hand wizard. They greet them and maybe even invite them for a tea.

However, there was a time when the White Hand nearly lost their hard-won status of non-interference. There was a civil war in Jarjuna about fifty years ago. The old king died with no heirs and his relatives threatened to tear the country apart in their lust for the throne. Wizards of the White Hand watched the towns burn and people flock to their gates, because they were the sole party not dragged into the conflict. They helped as they could, but voices started to be raised among them that they should do more. They are hiding in their towers when their country needs them more than ever before. They helped their country and marched to war. They helped their country and battled the plague. And they will do nothing to help their country when it rends itself apart?

The Red Hand of DOOM!

And as the civil war continued, a second war was fought in secret, the most inconspicuous wizardly war ever. No one outside of the School of the White Hand knows where the new wizards with red circles on their foreheads and hands full of terrible power emerged. The White Hand helped to contain them and people of Jarjuna were inclined to believe the so called "Red Hands" to be opportunists from elsewhere, who sensed a weakened country and wanted to take over. The White Hand has great propaganda.

The truth is, wizards of the Red Hand started as a starry-eyed group among the White Hand, and wanted to make everything right. They were ready to mend their country, no matter what it takes. Their peers didn't understand their vision, they banished them and renounced them in public. They could no longer claim to be wizards of the White Hand, because who would believe them? They had to fight not only for their vision, but also for their survival. And ever so slowly, they changed.

The civil war is long over and the White Hand sits in its place of glory. They did nothing and were rewarded. The Red Hand is seething in hiding, as they gave up everything and lost both their fight and the reason they were fighting. They wanted to help but couldn't, wanted to make a difference but didn't. They were used as a public enemy and the country they were ready to defend wants nothing more than to burn them at the stake.

He who fights monsters, right?

This picture from Skerples' Wizards of the White Hand
was my original inspiration for this class.
by Jesper Ejsing

You are an Outlaw, both Around Here and in Foreign Parts.

Starting Skill: (d6) 1. Streetwise, 2. Subterfuge, 3. Disguise, 4. Medicine, 5. Guerrilla Warfare, 6. Sleight of Hand.

Perks & Flaws:

You can establish a link with a creature by feeding it a droplet of your blood. You can cast any of your cantrips or spells through the linked creature while it is up to [wizard templates] miles away. You can only have one link at a time.

You cannot eat meat. You must wear a red circle, either on your robes or belt, or otherwise marked visibly on your body.

While using inflict light wounds along with your Perk is obvious, the linked creature can also be used with spells like other eyes, vomit swarm, puppetry, or chains of earth to great effect.

  1. Other Eyes: You can see through the eyes of any creature you touch.
  2. Shocking Truth: You can surprise or scare a person to make them blurt out a secret.
  3. Resuscitate: If an attack would reduce you from full hp to 0 hp or less, you may spend all your remaining MD to survive it with 1 hp. You must spend at least 1 MD.
I want to help you, why are you running away?

Spell List:

1. Inflict Light Wounds
R: touch; T: living creature; D: 0

The target takes [sum] damage, no Save.

Also pick [dice] of the following options:
  • If the damage reduces the target to 0 hp or less, they are instantly slain.
  • The damage cannot reduce the target below 0 hp, but if they reach 0 hp, they are knocked unconscious.
  • Your touch leaves behind a permanent, horrific and easily recognizable scar.
  • Your touch leaves behind open wounds that do not heal. The target can Save for every day of full rest. Until they Save, they cannot regain hp in any way.
  • The target must Save or take +1 damage from all sources for the next hour.

2. Longarm
R: 0; T: self; D: [sum] rounds

Your arms grow in length by 5' per [die] while loosing nothing from their dexterity.

3. Vomit Swarm
R: 0; T: self; D: [sum] rounds

You vomit up a massive torrent of tiny insects, creating an insect swarm in any adjacent space. Treat it as a swarm with [dice] HD and Movement equal to yours. The swarm will hunt for your enemies.

Also pick [dice] of the following options:
  • The swarm stings and bites, dealing 1 damage per round to all creatures within its space. This option can be picked multiple times.
  • The swarm crawls everywhere and distracts all creatures within its space, causing -1 penalty to all rolls. This option can be picked multiple times.
  • The swarm is thick with flies and other flying insects, and obscures vision through its space.
  • You create [dice] swarms instead, each with 1 HD.

4. Puppetry
R: 50'; T: creature; D: concentration, up to [sum] rounds

You take control of [dice] limbs of the target. They can still use them normally, but you can take an action with their limbs, overriding their wishes.

For example, you could drop their weapon or attack, trip their legs, shout, or hold their eyes shut.

5. Mirror Image
R: 0; T: self; D: [sum] rounds

You create 1d4 + [dice] illusory images of yourself, which move as you move and always stay within 5' of you. They are constantly stepping through each other, so that it is impossible to tell which is which. When an enemy attacks you, roll to see if they hit you or an image. An image vanishes as soon as it suffers a solid impact. Area effects such as a dragon's breath will cause all images to vanish.

You can spend an action to make one of the duplicates act differently from you and the others, including moving it farther away from you.

6. Unbuckle
R: 50'; T: [dice] objects; D: 0

You order the targets to open. Locks and shackles are unlocked, clothes and belts come undone, armour falls off. Magical and attended objects are allowed a Save.

Unlike the knock spell, unbuckle is rather inconspicuous. While this means it can be cast stealthily, it also won't help with a stuck door that would be violently flung open by knock.

7. Deja Vu
R: 50'; T: creature; D: [dice] rounds

The target must Save or repeat its last action for the duration of this spell.

8. Blue Flame
R: 50'; T: [dice] flammable objects; D: 0

You set a flammable object alight with magical blue flames. Magical and attended objects are allowed a Save.

The blue flames behave and spread as normal fire, but they deal cold damage and absorb heat rather than spreading it. They can also burn on water and will happily spread across it, leaving ice behind them.

9. Chains of Earth
R: 50' radius; T: area; D: concentration, up to [sum] rounds

You take away the ability to fly from all creatures in the affected area. Means of flight both mundane (wings, gas bags, hot air) and magical (including levitation and feather fall) simply fail and the affected creatures plummet to the ground.

10. Detect Thoughts
R: 30' radius; T: area; D: concentration, up to [sum] rounds

You detect the presence of thinking creatures within range.

With 2 [dice], you can spend an action concentrating on a particular thought pattern to learn the surface thoughts of that specific creature. With 3 [dice], this spell affects spirits and undead.

11. Black Hand
R: 0; T: self; D: [sum] rounds

One of your arms turns invisible. Small objects (like a dagger) held in this arm become invisible. The arm can interact with ghosts, pass through walls, etc.

You get an illusory arm on the same side that you can control freely.

12. Red Hand
R: 30'; T: living creature; D: concentration, up to [dice] rounds

You point a finger at the target and they start writhing in unimaginable agony. They spasm until their bones crack and blood gushes from their eyes, ears and nose. Then, their screams become muffled, as they tear their own vocal cords and yet still cannot stop screaming. Eventually, all sounds are drowned by the blood that starts to fill their lungs, suffocating them in between gurgles and red froth. Their ribs were shattered by the convulsions and pierced their lungs, but they will not die of drowning. Instead, with a final spasm, they bend nearly backwards and break their own spine.

The target takes [sum] damage per round and must Save each round to avoid falling prone and loosing their turn.

When you gain this spell and before you can first cast it, you must undergo a ritual where you peel off the skin of your right hand. Your hand will be forever mutilated and slowly seeping blood, but you can use the hand normally, suffer no damage or other negative effects, and risk no injury or infection, even though your hand is missing its skin.

  1. Your MD only return on a 1-2 for 24 hours.
  2. You take 1d6 damage as you start bleeding from your eyes, nose, or ears.
  3. Random mutation for 1d6 rounds, then Save. Permanent if you fail.
  4. Random insanity for 1d6 rounds, then Save. Permanent if you fail.
  5. You are afflicted with a random minor curse for 1d6 hours.
  6. Spell targets you (if harmful) or enemy (if beneficial) or fizzles (if neutral).
  1. Your shadow escapes and disappears. You no longer cast any shadow.
  2. You are mortally afraid of shadows. You can concentrate or sleep only in bright light or deep darkness.
  3. Your shadow returns, accompanied by a horde of other shadows (all White Hand wizards who succumbed to their Doom). There will be about 3d20 shadows out to kill you.
Your dooms can be avoided by replacing your lost shadow. Either find it and take it back, or steal the shadow of someone else.

25 August 2018

ORJ: Hero Trap

With the resurgence of the roguelike genre, many of the classics (NetHack, ADOM, Angband) and newcomers (Caves of Qud, TGGW, Golden Krone Hotel) are gaining in popularity and renown. But there are so many hidden gems, obscure roguelikes few people know about and play, even though they would deserve much more attention. Here is one of them.

Floor 2, full of krakens. Only in Hero Trap.

Hero Trap is another browser roguelike that can be played here. It was created as a contribution to the Seven Day Roguelike challenge in 2017, taking up the ninth place on the overall ladder. It has a pretty cool design goal:
Make a traditional roguelike, but the very first monster kills you if you try to melee it to death.
It was successfully completed in the seven days, and later received a few more updates to fix minor bugs and add some new features. I love it.

Fighting a graveyard full of zombies. The game has
four-directional movement, so thankfully the kraken
cannot attack me.

The game is true to its design and throws monsters way too strong at you. Fight and you will die. However, clever rogues will survive, and you are playing as a (soon to be legendary) rogue!

The game also does a very clever thing with its monsters - the monsters are split into uppercase (next to unbeatable) and lowercase (hard but beatable). It's so intuitive and simple idea, yet I have not seen it in any other roguelike. It offers the most important information the player should care about and requires no spoilers or memorization. And this is still not the last clever thing about monsters Hero Trap has to offer.

Soon, you will have inventory full of unknown magical items.
Don't horde them, use them. You really, really need them.
While uppercase monsters are mostly unbeatable by conventional means, every one of them has a weakness you can exploit to overcome them. Golems are powerful killing machines, but much slower then you. Krakens cannot leave water. Faceless cannot sense you if you don't move. Saws only move in straight lines, no matter what you do, and dancing between them is really fun. Unicorns are peaceful unless you disturb them. Jabberwocks are... jabberwocks will kill you no matter what you do, so don't even try. On the plus side, they only appear very late in the game, when you have magic items are your disposal.

Quaffing unknown potions and reading unknown scrolls
is not a bad idea in this game. There is nothing that
would directly kill you and no other way of identification.

Even the lowercase monsters (or "you can kill those, but still be careful" monsters) have unique quirks and gimmicks. Monkeys steal your items and run away. Harpies come in groups and try to fly over your head to surround you. Dwarves will dig to get to you. Zombies are weak and slow, but there is a nigh endless horde of them. Fungi grow constantly, quickly filling the dungeon. Bloats cannot attack, but they will explode if you hit them. There is one monster for every letter of the alphabet, and every monster has a unique power. You won't find boring monsters in this game.

Damn you, mimics!

What's more, monsters have nice short descriptions that will hint at their behaviour and weaknesses, so you can be prepared even if you never encountered this type of creature before. Once again, no spoilers required to make informed decisions about the way you play, and clever play will get you further than mindless hacking. You will feel as a genius the first time you find a way to abuse a monster's power to your advantage.

This is my equipment for most of the game.
While it's better not getting hit, it still helps if
your enemies kill themselves as they attack.

No, it is pretty badass. In a game where stealth
will save your life, releasing clouds of impenetrable
darkness from you sword is very cool.

As if this was not enough, Hero Trap offers an interesting take on magical items. There is a set of enchantments, but they can appear on different item types. Every game, an item type is assigned to each enchantment - so you may have potions of healing in one game, but only armours of healing in another.

Discoveries at the start of the game. Here you
can see all the different possible enchantments.

And this is an end-game Discoveries screen.
That armour of death might sound strange, but
it was crucial to my survival at one point.

The item type also influences in what way you can use the enchantment. Wand of teleportation can be zapped at any creature you see. Potion of teleportation can be drunk to teleport yourself, while a scroll of teleportation will teleport every adjacent monster. Sword of teleportation will sometimes teleport struck enemies away. Armour of teleportation will also sometimes teleport attackers away, but may also randomly teleport you. Some items are very useful, some are double-edged or situational, but you will need them all to survive.

Ogres, giant beetles, lizards and pixies?
I'm sure this floor will be alright.

Or not? Whew, that one was really close.

Anyway, you can read the development and release thread of this game here, if you're interested, and once again, play it here. And if you win, let me know, because I keep dying just short of the final floor.

Yeah, floor 23 of 26. It went so well until the nymphs
stole my sword and wands, then surrounded me
without a way to escape or kill them fast enough.

Happy hacking and don't die!

18 August 2018

ORJ: Infinite Cave Adventure

With the resurgence of the roguelike genre, many of the classics (NetHack, ADOM, Angband) and newcomers (Caves of Qud, TGGW, Golden Krone Hotel) are gaining in popularity and renown. But there are so many hidden gems, obscure roguelikes few people know about and play, even though they would deserve much more attention. Here is one of them.
Recently, I happened to find a browser-based roguelike named Infinite Cave Adventure. I don't know if it was inspired by Colossal Cave Adventure or not, but it claims taking inspiration from NetHack on its RogueBasin page.

It seems to be virtually unknown, as I tried and failed to find some community or further information about it. Still, it's fun to play and has an interesting take on the classic roguelike elements.

I'll let the game's homepage explain:
Here's what makes this [roguelike] different:
  • Grinding is impossible or pointless.
  • No experience points, the game advances when you face new challenges, not when you collect kills or equipment.
  • A very limited inventory that makes stockpiling impossible. Choosing what gear to keep and what to discard is a major strategic choice in the game.
  • A steep ramping of power levels and an aggressive hunger clock makes the game fast-paced.
  • Each level is different in flavor in strategy, to make advancing interesting.
The idea is to make a roguelike game that is skewed much more towards a board or strategy game than a role-playing game. There's very little role-playing, but a lot of square counting and strategic choice.
I think it succeed in what it aims to do, and manages to be highly (re)playable, even if you have to accept its weirdness.

You are thrown into the game with no intro, no explanation. The map is huge and you can't see what you've already explored, so remember it. The exploration itself is really fun, though, as the map generation works well and places enough special features to make the map interesting. Wait for your first drow slaver caravan, or kobold farms.

Everything is deadly. The very first level teaches you this, because you cannot even attack without finding a weapon first, but there are wolves, bears and zombies, all of them capable of killing you with ease. You have to learn to run, and you will run away very often. Later on, you will fight wizards capable of paralysing and poisoning you, drow who summon spiders, or mind flayers with their long-range psychic blasts. Fun all around, I tell you!

You can only carry one of each type of items (one weapon, one armour, one healing item, ...) and it's not always easy to distinguish what to take and what to leave. The game offers next to no information on anything, which I'd see as a tiny flaw. Some people might enjoy this "fumbling in the darkness" feeling, but given that I'm not given the inventory space and time to experiment, I'd like to know what I'm doing.

And you don't have much time, the food clock really can be brutal. Thankfully, there can be some rare food rations found on the first level, and later levels have kobold farms full of food you can harvest. It's never enough.

However, the items themselves are useful and varied, so you probably have to persist through the period of "I have no clue" until you know what to equip yourself with and which item to use. Try wishing for "dverga-hjaalm", "dverga-skjoeld", "dvergs-oex" and "dverga-hliif", aka the full set of dwarven armour and an axe. Items such as "ring of the sleepless eye", "astral beacon" or "blinking rod" can also help you, and there are many, many more.

The game has a unique take on multiplayer, which is generally impossible to pull of in a traditional roguelike. In Infinite Cave Adventure, other players can influence your game. You will find graves of dead players and can dig them up for the treasures they died with. Signs left by other players can be read by you, and you can write your own signs by finding a signpost tool and using it. You can dig holes and tunnels, and they will persist for other players. You can even rob the bank accounts of other players, or leave items for them in special safe spots.

I managed to find my own grave once.

Even the goal of the game is somewhat multiplayer - you are all looking for a Ring of Power, trying to bring it to the Astral Throne. But there is only one Ring of Power in the game, regardless of the number of players. The first one to pick up the Ring will have it until they win, die, or stay idle for several hours. The Ring will also stay where the last player left it, so should someone die halfway to the Astral Throne, you only need to take the Ring the other half of the way to win. Have fun racing your friends.

The only strategy that's working for me so far (as in "I don't die immediately") is to explore level 0 until I find a pickaxe, then find a grave with a nice amount of cash inside and dig it up. You have to run from the ghost and try to loose it, but can return for the money later and find stairs or a portable hole to descend to level 1. There you should try to find a Temple of Midas and buy some equipment to live a bit longer. You can even buy a vorpal sword, if you dig up nice enough grave. Oh, and baby kobolds are great for your first kill, but kobold fishermen are too hard to fight without a good armour and weapon.

Anyway, you can play it here and here is its GitHub page for anyone interested.

So far, I managed to get down to level 11, while the Ring is (as of the time of writing) at level 17. Given how deadly the lower levels are, we'll see how long until someone can find it and survive.

Happy hacking and don't die!